Screenplay Wanted
TNC Productions
Filmmaker with track record currently looking for a feature length screenplay in the horror/ mystery/ thriller genre.
Looking for a completed script.
Low budget, so:
The number of main characters should be very few.
The whole story needs to take place in preferably ONE LOCATION. The script with the fewest locations will most likely take precedence over another, even if another is better written.
I've already sold a genre picture to a real distributor that gets small genre films out on DVD to all the chains and also overseas markets, VOD, etc., and they want more.
The script has to meet budget expectations (ZERO BUDGET!).
But it should be scary, thrilling, mysterious, etc.
NO CRAZY EXPENSIVE EFFECTS. A few effects, lots of action, psychological twists are good, excessive blood is fine.
Email first with a few comments/intro of yourself and/or questions before you send the script:
More info about director Glen Grefe: